Greetings to the members of the 2024 June 9th online Australian Mission Center Conference.

Papeete, 2024 June 7th

Greetings to the members of the 2024 June 9th online Australian Mission Center Conference.

Dear family of faith,

I warmly welcome you to this Australian Mission Center Conference. For those of you present online and those who cannot be with us today, I share these following words from my heart and assure you that, even though I won’t be present at this online conference, you are in our thoughts and prayers.


Dear participants, welcome on this blessed day,

Your presence shows commitment, a path we embrace,

To build a Kingdom, in spirit gathered,

United in our faith, we rise together.

On the path of faith, we walk hand in hand,

People of Australia, with justice, peace, and hope,

Our hearts beat together, across this vast land,

Carrying divine love, with spirits wide open.

Through challenges faced, we have persevered,

Each trial a lesson, a precious gift,

With patience and courage, we have found,

The path of renewal, an audacious lift.

Today, two calls to priesthood arise,

Resolutions are shared, in this vision so bright,

To fulfill Christ mission, in endless love,

Transforming lives, with grace and light.

I thank you for your ministry, generous and profound,

Transforming lives near and far,

As members of the Community of Christ, we are bound,

By faith, by love, by Jesus’ light, our star.

On this time of conference, may all spirits soar,

May commitment grow and brightly shine,

In this grand journey of transformation,

We stand united, to fulfill our divine mission.

I wish you, dear family of faith, a beautiful and meaningful conference.

Mareva Arnaud Tchong