WoW "The Authentic Life" 2024

Last weekend Drummoyne Church hosted a wonderful Weekend of Well-being (WoW) where over 20 people gathered for an opportunity to refresh, refocus and rebalance by centring around the theme of "Living an Authentic Life".

After Marshall Leaver shared an acknowledgment of country, Anne Bonnefin and Roxanne Taylor led us on a path of discovery through meditation and art, along with a whimsical journey of imaginative story telling using miniature models of people. This proved to be enormously creative and comical, with echos of laughter reverberating around the church. It lifted our spirits and set the scene for an uplifting and memorable evening. We shared a great meal together whilst being entertained by Daniel Jackson who provided insights into songwriting when I interviewed him. Daniel also entertained us by singing and playing many of his heartfelt compositions. 

Another highlight of the evening was the keynote address from our overseas guest Matt Frizzell who shone his light on the "The Authentic Life". Matt, with his background as a theologian, educator and world church minister, gave profound insights and was both inspiring and motivating.

Sunday was balanced with positive energy from our Tai Chi Master Aaron leading us through an hour of movement. It was followed by Matt who shared Part 2 of his message on Authenticity from a Christian perspective, followed by a lunch together and fellowship.

We are grateful to the many who generously gave of their time to make this event possible. David and Jane Henricks spent many hours in preparing the Drummoyne Church to host our event. David Drake helped decorate the room in which we met. Janine Wood co-ordinated the dinner and lunch catering helped by the many who provided scrumptious food for morning and afternoon teas. The passion and organisation of WoW lies with the WoW team, Marshall Leaver, Anne Bonnefin, Janine Wood and myself. The church is blessed to have the wisdom and enthusiasm of this collective team.

We are grateful to the Australia Mission Centre, too, for its generosity in helping contribute to this event. Its leadership sees the value in investing in the lives of us all, to create communities of Joy, Hope, Love and Peace. WoW is indeed a prized expression of the call to inclusivity in our unique religious movement. 

Robert Thompson 
