Taree congregation was filled with love and joy as congregations from around the Mid-North coast and beyond gathered together to celebrate the ordination of Ruth Walshe to the office of Elder on Sunday, the 20th of October.
Excitement gathered on this special occasion as friends and family caught up with each other and shared in the excitement of this very special day. As the congregation burst into song, the windows were rattling with beautiful voices ringing through the air.
The service was led by Helen Taylor and Wendy Ballard with special messages of love and support from all of the congregation brightening up the front of the church as red hearts were hung on a tree at the front of the church. The ordination of Ruth was given by John Rawson and Julie Crittenden. The holy spirit filled the whole church as love was passed from person to person.
The love present in the church was at times overwhelming as each person was reminded of their role in supporting Ruth in her new calling as the charge was given to Ruth and the congregation by Helen. As we were reminded that all are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we left the service feeling uplifted and ready to support Ruth and each other.
We are reminded on days of great celebration of the Hope, Joy, Love and Peace that we all share together and that we have to share with our surrounding community and those who are in need.
Robert Millington
On behalf of the Taree Congregation