Leigh Smith invites you to 'Walk for the world" with her

This Saturday, September 23rd, I'm participating in a Walking Meditation for World Peace.  I know it's short notice for everyone, but I thought I'd put it out there and see if anyone would like to join me, from wherever they are in the country.  Here is the necessary information about it:

It's a global event, taking place in approx. 184 countries.  The idea comes from a man I've been studying and practicing his meditations for a number of years now, Dr. Joe Dispenza.  




His research and practices are world renowned and revolutionary.

The idea behind this walk is for as many people as possible around the world, to join together over a 24 hour period, listen to a meditation that Joe's team will be sending to all those registered this week (registration is free via the link above), and then for people to either walk on their own, or join together as groups and do the meditation collectively.  The website has all the information, and includes a map with pins indicating where groups are already set up around the world.  You just look for one close to your location and join in on the day.  You can also set up your own location, and perhaps others will join you too.

I have set up a location, and will be walking this Saturday the 23rd at 10am, walking through the Botanical Gardens in Castlemaine.  You'll see my pin there with details.  

It's essential to register, as this is the only way you'll receive the meditation which you then download onto your phone.  It's a crucial part of the event, and again, it's all free.

As an organisation whose mission is to create communities of peace, I feel it's an opportunity to join with others who share the same mission.

Leign Smith