Calling You!

There are moments in life when I ask myself, “Why am I doing this?” It’s a question I sometimes ask myself when I am in unfamiliar territory, perhaps not feeling in control or unsure of my surroundings, or what the outcomes will be. If you are questioning about committing to be at our National Conference hopefully in the next few minutes you will have some answers! The theme of the Conference may help give you some direction too…"You Are Called!"
National Conference was born out of a need to share together to discuss and action the business within Community of Christ. Some business aspects of church are financial, and we are somewhat familiar with things like budgets and accounting, which most of us are perhaps not too excited about. However, I believe more than ever before, the discussions around how we will spend money into the future is very, very important. I say this because the other aspect of our accountability is looking to the future. Most of us recognise that we as an organisation are at a pivotal point. Over the next 6 – 12 months “Transformation” will move from talk to action.  Some aspects of our church life has already been transformative. Australia Worships On-Line is a good example along with On-Line Prayer Circle, The Table, Centre Place and Beyond the Walls Choir. These transformative expressions of being Community of Christ were not even thought about five years ago.

This National Conference will have opportunities to hear more about the processes involved in Transformation. On Friday evening Robert Thompson who is now fully immersed in his new role as “Transformation Minister”, will lead the first of 3 sessions on Transformation that will be held over the weekend – The What, The How and The When. 

Coupled with these sessions, will be an inspiring talk by our guest speaker Alex Varlow on “The Miracle of Transformation.” Alex who is an award-winning songwriter (Alex won the prestigious John Lennon singer songwriter competition held in USA), has a story that tracks a life-long walk with God through some of the most challenging experiences imaginable. His transformation story is not to be missed. Alex and his wife Elsie will share his story on Saturday morning of the conference. Lindsay Munns will also share with us about the importance of seeking expert guidance when navigating the Transformation Roadmap. Lindsay has worked successfully as a business coach and as a consultant working with leaders and captains of industry to transform organisations and businesses to become more successful in this very challenging and ever-changing environment. On Saturday afternoon we have the opportunity to hear from one of the most dedicated ministers of our time Bruce Wooderson. Bruce has had a life dedicated to working at the coal-face, meeting the needs of those most vulnerable in our society. He will share his story of how his Priesthood enhanced his capacity to serve others. His testimony and challenge for us will be supplemented by Anne Falcke a professional communicator, will guide us into a discussion about the roles of Priesthood in a church without walls.

Any time we gather corporately is a blessing. Wendy Ballard will shine once again as she leads us in experiencing the divine in worship and moments of gratitude. I hope you feel the call to be part of our time together at National Conference. We would love to see and hear you there. You can register and find out more information here or follow links below. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 26TH MAY AT 4:00pm.

NB: We are making every endeavour to provide zoom link broadcasts to all major sessions at the conference for those unable to attend in person (follow the blue links in the program - here or below short cuts). Because of the location of the venue we will not be able to guarantee quality.

Robert Thompson
Organisational Change Manager