Something that may surprise you…

Doctrine & Covenants 164:9a & b

Beloved children of the Restoration, your continuing faith adventure with God has been divinely led, eventful, challenging, and sometimes surprising to you. By the grace of God, you are poised to fulfill God’s ultimate vision for the church. 

When your willingness to live in sacred community as Christ’s new creation exceeds your natural fear of spiritual and relational transformation, you will become who you are called to be. 

Something that may surprise you – I am not ‘excited’ for the National Conference. That is too simplistic to describe what I am feeling. It is hard to articulate exactly the sense I feel; but it is something deep within me, a call in my core, a keenly focused passion, a recognition of the significance of this moment in our continuing faith adventure. We are at a critical place in our historic story, and at National Conference we will have an opportunity to engage in the transformation conversation. 

For many it may feel like we have been having similar conversations for a long time. However, it has become increasingly clear to me, which is also the case for many others, that as Community of Christ in Australia the way we live out Christ’s mission and the development of faith, and how we support that, needs transformation. Not simply adaptation, or adjustment, or change, but a much deeper evolution of how we live out our discipleship in the current cultural landscape. 

Now is the time to ask the thoughtful, critical questions and discern essential considerations in regard to our faith and the community in which that is lived out. As God’s words to us in the last decade have asserted:  

Doctrine & Covenants 164: e. The challenges and opportunities are momentous. Will you remain hesitant in the shadows of your fears, in- securities, and competing loyalties? Or will you move forward in the light of your divinely instilled call and vision?

I invite you to come. We need you to be part of the conversation.

Adam Wade

Mission President (Interim)

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