Australia National Conference - 9 - 11 June 2023

Register Now! - Make it a priority to be a part of our National Conference June 9-11 to help write the next episode!


I think there will always be a part of the inner child within us all, especially when it comes to being immersed in a great story. When the hero is confronted by overwhelming odds, or is at the bottom of the well, trapped with no obvious way out, our immediate thought is ….and then what happened?

Some of us perceive that we are living a similar scene in the life of the church. Many of us are waiting to be rescued, perhaps a new program, perhaps a rope will be thrown to us from a stranger or maybe the temptation is to turn back the pages. I believe we have the power to change the story!

When the disciples of Jesus were confronted with the reality of his death some of them were about to go back to their previous life, back to the fishing nets. Now remember, for years the disciples were a nomadic group wandering the neighbourhoods around Palestine with Jesus as their leader, their hero. It was a great life cruising around with the boss, enjoying the highs and lows of eating and drinking with sinners, healing people, performing miracles, speaking to crowds of people, preaching and messing up the temple, being sometimes chased out of town. It was an exciting life! Jesus was then murdered and the whole story appeared to be over…And then what happened? A transformational shift! The disciples moved from being followers and became the new leaders. Was it easy? I imagine it was not. Was it a complete shift from how it was before? Yes and no. Some aspects of their previous life were most probably similar. Living in community, being on the move constantly, teaching and healing, getting into trouble and facing challenges would have been a familiar part of their old life. However, the main shift was that they had become new beings. Transformation moves us to be a higher form of what we are. Transformation brings us to our fullest potential.

And then what happened?

Be a hero. Make it a priority to be a part of our National Conference June 9-11 to help write the next episode!

Register Now! (follow the link to register early - it will really help our planning and to prioritise our venue booking ).

Robert Thompson

Transformation Minister