You are invited to a memorial service for John Taylor

The family of John Taylor will be commemorating his life in a private service tomorrow. They are utmost in our thoughts at this time and we ask for your continued prayers for Janine, Hannah and Colin.

You are invited to:
A memorial service for John
to be held at Drummoyne Community of Christ,
234 Victoria Road* Drummoyne,
on Saturday 25th of February at 11am


The service will also be livestreamed, to access the streaming, click here:

After the memorial service there will be a light lunch at the Drummoyne church.

*Entry to the church is via Wrights Road.
Parking is limited so please plan accordingly and be mindful of parking restrictions.

John’s contribution to the church in his lifetime of devotion is acknowledged and celebrated. Whether as a leader, a pastor, a legal adviser or theological scholar, John’s legacy is inestimable.