Kari Sutton, announced as a speaker at the Peace Summit 2022

"If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children." - Mahatma Gandhi

The Peace Summit to be held in Newcastle at the Wallsend Community of Christ over Saturday and Sunday of 18-19 June 2022 will be one of the most significant events in our recent times that will bring together significant and noteworthy voices from all over Australia on the subject of, Peace and Justice.

We last highlighted one of our keynote speakers; Tim Costello OA., this week I wish to spotlight Kari Sutton who will also be one of our keynote speakers

Kari Sutton is an educator, speaker and author who has helped over 25,000 children, parents, and educators with evidence-based strategies, tools and approaches to foster children's positive mental health and plant the seeds of resilience and emotional wellbeing in our children. She helps parents of children who worry a lot, are anxious, overwhelmed and struggle with life’s daily challenges by providing tangible strategies and insights which are immediately actionable.

Kari’s topic will be called “They are our Future”. Here is a little about what she will be sharing:

They are Our Future

As parents we are leaders for our children, what we model and the tone we set is what they will absorb and internalise. This session will equip participants with the practical concrete strategies and ideas they can easily embed in their everyday lives to help children to become the best versions of themselves. We can all intentionally teach our kids the skills and strategies they need to become confident, kind, loving, human beings who are living examples of Christ’s message and be change agents for Peace and Justice in our world.