Announcing Tim Costello - guest speaker at the 2022 Peace Summit

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing”

The Peace Summit sponsored by Community of Christ to be held in Newcastle over the weekend of 18th -19th June 2022, will be an opportunity for good people to stand up and be counted.

Each week we will be placing a spotlight on this major event, inviting the larger community, media, our membership and friends-of-the-church, to participate in this event. Through listening, learning, dialogue and doing, we can make a difference.

One person who has already made a difference both here in Australia and overseas is Tim Costello AO who will be a guest speaker at our event.

Tim Costello is a Baptist Minister, who was the Chief Executive office of World Vision Australia. Costello worked as a lawyer and served as Mayor of St Kilda Victoria. He is the director of Ethical Voice, Executive Director of Micah Projects, Senior Fellow of Public Christianity. He is also Chair of the Community Council of Australia and an advocate for Alliance of Gambling Reform.

In 2008 he received an honorary doctorate in recognition of “his contribution to religious life and social justice”.

Tim will be opening our event by sharing a keynote address on finding solutions to pressing needs in our community and how we as individuals can make a difference. His talk will be followed by a question time.

I hope you can save the date and share with us in Newcastle.

If you have questions about the event, please feel free to contact me Robert Thompson or phone 0414353523 and either I or one of the Peace Summit Team will answer any of your questions.