Missional Leadership Development

Enrolment Information for eLearning Classes:
The following classes are now open for a limited enrollment: 

·         Introduction to Scripture (SS400): 8-weeks,  April 2 - May 27 - $25

·         Ministry of the Teacher (MP303): 6-weeks, April 2 - May 13 - $25

·         Ministry with Latter-day Seekers: 4-weeks, April 2 - April 29 - $20

·         Children and Youth Workers Core Training: At your own pace for 2 weeks - starts April 2 and continues open until late May - $18

·         MEADS - "Living Grace and Generosity" - April 25-29, 7:30pm-10:00pm (Eastern) Live via ZOOM. Instructor:  Lew Shepherdson - $35 - see attached syllabus

To enrol go to developmetrics.org