Announcing - Peace Summit 17-19 June 2022

We are excited to announce the save the date for a Community of Christ sponsored event that highlights the core values of who we are as a community of Joy, Hope Love and Peace.

The “Peace Summit” will be held at Newcastle NSW over the weekend of the 17th to 19th of June 2022.

If you are wanting to hear from prominent respected leaders who are making a difference as change agents for Peace and Justice in our world, come and join with us in person or tune in via Zoom. There will be opportunity to share your voice as well. Be part of the conversation, be part of the change. Join with us for the “Peace Summit” in Newcastle 2022.

This event will be held in conjunction with Community of Christ Special Mission Conference

This year we have the opportunity to have a Special Mission Centre Conference to consider legislation which may go to World Conference in 2023. The event will be hybrid in nature, having an in person and online expression.

We’ve made the decision to combine the Peace Summit (new event) with this Special Mission Conference; with the conference taking place on the Sunday (19th) of the Summit.