‘Courage’ Series Will Lead Church Toward 2023 World Conference

On 12 June, the church is invited to a worldwide worship. Initial plans for a three-day online event have transformed into a journey of opportunities between June and April that will guide and shape us as we move toward the 2023 World Conference.

The theme, “Courage,” will guide our conversations and experiences between June 2022 and World Conference in April 2023. As a worldwide church, we will experience worship, videos, and online discussions in many languages. We will hear and tell our stories—learning from one another and listening to the Spirit as it leads us.

We’ll explore and interact with the story of the Good Samaritan as we journey with the example of Jesus, the peaceful One, and reflect courage and hope’s light in our world.

Watch for more details in social media, on www.CofChrist.org, www.CofChrist.com.au and in other communications.