Mission Conference 2021 - it was so great you were there!

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"The reality is that God has always called, beckoned, and always will. Our job now is to listen. To pick up our end of the conversation and say, ‘here I am, willing!’ How are you answering?"

Mission President, Ben Smith. Read the full transcript of the conference address here.

Sharing as an Australia wide community this past conference week has been both a treasure and a privilege. We have studied, prayed & worshiped together reflecting on our calling to realise Christ’s mission.

We have learnt how to Zoom, to cook, to write a sermon, to pray; and had discussions and teaching on nonviolence and scripture. We have spent time deciding on the important business of the church and we give thanks to the Mission Centre Financial Officer, Julie Crittenden, for her assiduousness and guidance in this task.

We have been challenged and uplifted by our Mission President, Ben Smith, and encouraged by the words of Mareva Arnaud our Apostle. Even COVID hasn’t been able to dampen our enthusiasm for music with soul, (virtual) morning teas, sharing in campfire songs and getting together as youth and children!

We have been blessed by your presence as we have gathered as a Community of Christ. It is your participation and support that truly made conference the joyful & enriching experience it has been and we thank you for taking part!

You can revisit the recorded sessions or give in gratitude and support of conference by visiting our website,

Missed a session? All the recorded sessions are available here.

We will be sharing a survey link, over the next week, and we would appreciate your participation to help us gather feedback on your experience of conference.

In the meantime, if you have anything you would like to share, you can contact the office:

e. enquiries@cofchrist.com.au - p. 02 9871 7400 - a. 12 Taylor Street West Pennant Hills NSW 2125