Blessed by our Givers

With National Volunteer Week (NVW) approaching we want to take the opportunity to give thanks and acknowledge the countless ways volunteers serve the mission of the church as well as in the wider community!

The operation of our facilities and programs have been especially demanding on our volunteers over the past year with the increased administration, and vigilance, required in the shadow of COVID-19 - with all its restrictions and required adaptations.

Even when we were not able to meet face-to-face there were still so many things that needed to be done.

We want to recognise and appreciate the seen and unseen efforts: the thoughtful consideration and actions taken – the gracious gift of time and talent, in support of our mission.

Community of Christ is so generously blessed by all of its volunteers.

Once again, this year, we invite you to take this opportunity, too, to reach out and say ‘thank you’ to those that you witnessed working; acknowledging their contribution as significant and valuable.

Volunteering Australia, in support of NVW, provide resources for showing appreciation: these include an online e-card certificate and printable PDFs - these can be email or posted with a note in recognition of those people in your life who give freely of themselves to benefit others.

We hope you feel the love and appreciation we have for each of you who give so much and we hope that you will feel called to pay that appreciation forward to others who you see in action, serving others, and the ripple affect with be amazing!   

Other ways we will be observing National Volunteer Week this year include a wave of acknowledgement and thanks:  

  • Once again will be inviting a handful of people to communicate what it means to them to be a volunteer – we will share their stories through video and in the May edition of the Australia Herald  

  • Our Sunday worship on the 23rd of May will include a spirit of acknowledgement and thanks to all that give in this way  

God Bless YOU! Thank you!  - Wendy Ballard and the Volunteer Acknowledgment Team