Flooding in NSW

Dear Friends,


As you’ve no doubt seen through images, the rain event which has been bearing down on NSW has been incredible. Rivers breaking banks, houses and buildings impacted, major damage to infrastructure and systems.


Over the past few days I’ve been in touch with our Pastors and members on the Mid-North Coast to assess the situation in terms of our people and our buildings. At this point, none of our buildings have been impacted by flooding. Some towns and areas, particularly Taree and Wingham, have been isolated by flood waters, cutting them off from surrounding areas. The Green Cathedral has been inundated by water and will remain closed until those waters recede and the paths made safe. Many members and friends are impacted by this situation. Similarly, in the metropolitan and surrounding areas of Sydney we’ve seen similar vision of high flood waters, causing many to lose homes, pause businesses and be separated from their community.


These floods are only a short year after the major bushfires impacted these same regions, and a pandemic in the middle. It’s these types of significant events which cause lasting memory for residents and families, and it is our duty to uphold them in prayer and support.


We will be working closely with the communities affected to assist where we can, both through the church’s efforts and through Saints Care.


Let us join together as a community to pray, to reach out and offer help, and to band together to minimise the long term impact of these events. Please be safe, and be in touch with your people.


In hope,

Ben Smith