Global Challenges - Sunday 7th November @ 3:00pm (AEDT) - Mitigating Human-Induced Climate Change: Ethical and Social Aspects

Mitigating Human-Induced Climate Change: Ethical and Social Aspects  - Sunday 7th November @ 3:00pm

Mark Diesendorf 

Bio: Dr Mark Diesendorf is currently Honorary Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney. Previously he was a Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO and Professor of Environmental Science and Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures at University of Technology Sydney. His most recent book is Sustainable Energy Solutions for Climate Change (UNSW Press and Routledge).  


Synopsis: Climate change impacts – heat waves, droughts, wildfires and floods – are increasing in frequency and severity. Given the political will, Australia could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by transitioning to renewable energy, based mainly on existing, commercially available technologies. Although there are no major technological or economic barriers, resistance by vested interests with political power has slowed the transition. But time is of the essence. The climate crisis raises moral, ethical and social issues for our consideration: What is Australia’s fair share of the small remaining global emissions budget? Should the rich countries end economic growth and hence growth in emissions, so that developing countries can develop? How should governments assist workers who lose their jobs as a result of the transition? How can citizens push governments to take effective climate action?  

Here is the zoom link for the meeting: Zoom link