Video series on Discernment - as we dream a new reality into being

Back in May Mission President Ben Smith called us to reflect on the road ahead: "The invitation is in front of us: Will we become who God is calling us to become? .....Let us pray, discern and dream of how we will connect with others, and with God." as this process commences or continues, in many congregations, we'd like to re-highlight this video resources and workbook which might be helpful as we dream a new reality into being

"When discernment becomes a pattern for our daily living, we are transformed. This is always true of interactions with the Divine—we come away changed and focused on what matters......recognising the holy in the midst of our ordinary lives. God is with us."

Watch the first video now.

Open the workbook.

Foundations of Discernment Part 2 is found at:

Two additional videos are available in this series:

Engaging a Process of Discernment Part 1 ( and Engaging a Process of Discernment Part 2 (