The Road Back

With the nation beginning to exit hibernation from COVID-19, the church is considering how it will respond to renewed freedom of movement and gathering in our society. While we are a little way off opening the doors to our church buildings, it is a wonderful time to start reflecting deeply on why we have them (buildings) in the first place, and how we will use them to live out the mission of the church into the future.  

We have experienced wonderful connection through online worship, prayer, activities and fellowship, yet we know there is a special place for physical gathering. What does that look like for us now? Will we go back to the ‘same old, same old’ program, knowing it is likely that it will now not respond to the new way of life we are experiencing? COVID-19 has changed us as a community, and now we must ask ourselves ‘how do we transform ourselves anew, reimagining how we can live as disciples?’ 

Community of Christ Seminary (through Graceland University) are offering a free online lecture series by Zac Harmon-McLaughlin (Director of Seminary) titled “Post-Church Church: A Transformative Community of Christ Ecclesiology” and I’d encourage those who are able and interested to head here for more information. During his time as Mission Centre President for Sierra Pacific, Zac completed his PhD on this topic, so he has an incredible wealth of knowledge imagining new ways of being for our community. 

The invitation is in front of us: Will we become who God is calling us to become? The road back does not take us to where we started, indeed COVID-19 has taken us on a new path which doesn’t connect with our old ways. Let us pray, discern and dream of how we will connect with others, and with God.  

- Ben Smith

President, Australia Mission Centre

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