Piecing It All Together - National Volunteer Week 2020

Community of Christ has been always blessed by Volunteers- Community of Christ people are a blessing to others as they volunteer both within and outside the walls of our churches.  

In National Volunteer Week 2020, we want to take the opportunity to give thanks for the many ways volunteers serve in our communities. We do this because we want to acknowledge, value and appreciate, the many seen and unseen hours given. Each person forming a piece of something bigger: without volunteers, and what they do, there is something missing.  

So many programs in our community, like in our church, are only possible with the cooperative service and bountiful contribution of many. For this we have infinite gratitude and extend thanks for the generosity of so many, each playing their part.

We invite you, also, to take this opportunity to reach out to those in your congregation, neighbourhood community, state or across the nation, to say ‘thank you’ and to acknowledge the part they play.     

What to do:  

  1. Make a list - reflect on those people around you who give of their time and talents (even in the smallest of ways) both in your congregation and in the wider community.   

  2. Write and email, letter or ‘thank-you’ note – you can customise this email/letter template or write your own short note in your own words. We also have a e-card and certificate available for you to save and share.

  3. Make contact - post, hand deliver or email your note. You may prefer to contact some people by phone to thank them in person. Or you may wish to make contact via social media with a personal note or a thank you posted to an organisations page - we encourage you to reach out in any way, and to whatever degree you are able.  

Thank you for Giving!

Are you a volunteer? Or do you know someone who gives in this way? Tell us about your experience, in the comment section below, so we can share the story.

We also invite you to take part in our Social Media Campaign, head to our Facebook page (or click here to view on YouTube) to watch the stories of some of the volunteers from our communities. Use our Facebook profile picture frame (launching 18 May) on your social media page to let people know that you are a piece of something bigger too!

National Volunteer Week is part of a bigger campaign: #GivingTuesdayNow running throughout May, together we give back by giving thanks for the gifts of skills, time and resources which play a vital part in the successful delivery of the programs and initiatives of the church and delivery of services and activities in the wider community.

Within the operation of the church we give thanks for the dedication of those that serve on our boards, committees and teams. We commend your work and the efforts you make in order to share your time and talents in this way!

We are grateful for the support of our mission staff and pastoral team who carry out their roles with devotion and enthusiasm.

Our gratitude extends also to the hundreds of volunteers and friends; sharing their ministry through action. Whether it be leading a camp or activity, preparing a morning tea, maintaining communications and records, working on the upkeep of a property or mowing a lawn; each and every action supports the church community and its mission and we are thankful for your faithful commitment and service.

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