Join Our Online Choir

You may have heard our online choir sing a four-part rendition of the 23 Psalm?

Now it’s your turn as we attempt a multi-voice virtual choir, joining together to sing verse 5 of the 23 Psalm!

The online choir is open to everyone who wants to sing!

What you will need:

A) A computer or mobile device to play the recorded music and a pair of headphones, AND;

B) A mobile device or computer (with a camera) to video yourself Note: a mobile phone or tablet works best for this unless you have a good microphone setup for your computer

What to do:

1) Click the links below to listen to the different parts (singing the fifth verse of the 23rd Psalm) and choose a part that works for you.

2) Set up your phone to record you in landscape mode, that is, turn it on its side.

3) Play the recording (through your headphones) and sing along to that voice while recording yourself (in landscape) on your device or computer.

You should end up with just yourself singing your part - with no other music, just your voice.

4) Send us your recording, by the 22nd of May, and we’ll stitch it together.

Send your recording in: using “WeTransfer”, “Google Drive” or on Facebook Messenger to Community of Christ - Australia (@communityofchristastralia)

For WeTransfer, click the link and follow the instructions. Where it says “where to send file:“ use -

For Google Drive, save your file and share your link to:

If you have any questions, get in touch with Robert Thompson: 0414 353 523 or

Online Zoom Choir.png