Changes to October Camps - CommunityPlus and Leadership Reunion

We have made the decision to cancel or postpone some of our upcoming events, these include:

CommunityPlus Camp “MICP+”, Kallara - Cancelled

We are saddened to have to make this decision about camp knowing the joy, spirit and community that we feel when we come together.

At this time, we are planning other ways to meet, that will be channeled by each State’s social distancing regulations. We will communicate the plans as we get closer to September.

Note: The ‘My international Community Place’ element postponed until 2021.

- Alicia Turner

Leadership Reunion, Kallara - Postponed

It is with somewhat mixed feelings that we have come to the decision to postpone Mt Hut Leadership Revisited 2020 until October 2021. Whilst it may have been possible to have organised an event this year, there are so many unknows that it would have been a huge risk to try to bring people together from interstate and overseas whilst still trying to deal with the aftermath of the restrictions that Covid 19 has placed on our lives.

Whilst we are saddened to have to make this decision it does give us opportunities to spread invitations even wider and also create an even better experience for all to share in next year. It also raises new ideas for camp activities. A “masked ball”, “no touch square dance” or a “mask making craft” and a volley ball game where you don’t actually touch the ball. Not to mention an “Al a carte menu” instead of the old buffet. This just spurs us on to become more creative! Keep a lookout for the new advertising and save the date October 1-4 2021.

- Robert Thompson

Follow the News section of our website or the Congregation and Event pages to keep updated with all that is happening.