Your opportunity to get involved in the Australian Earth Stewardship Team

The Australia Earth Stewardship Team (AEST) is seeking expressions of interest for new team members including in leadership positions. The team currently consists of volunteers, from across Australia, who share a drive to foster, in the world, a greater understanding of environmental issues through education and promotion.

The Australia Earth Stewardship was formed in 2012, it’s Mission:

The AEST will promote World Church Earth Stewardship (ES) Principles and embrace as its mission the encouragement and support of congregations in embodying ES principles. We will do this through aiding congregations to have active ES teams and, where there is sufficient support, to identify potential Australian environmental projects within their communities and geographic locations. We will work towards all church properties and activities in congregational locations reflecting leading practice ES Principles.

The AEST encourage, support and participate in activities, conferences and other projects that are aligned with this mission, both with CofChrist congregations as well as in the wider community.

If you are interested in joining the team, or finding out more about what the AEST do, contact them on email: or call 02 9871 7400/ 1300 889 855

AEST promotes human accountability and responsible behaviour toward the earth and its resources in individual, church and community life through the awareness of the nine enduring principles and implementation of the Aspects and Objectives of Australia Mission Centre Strategic Plan.

Earth Stewardship is……

  • using resources wisely and sustainably.

  • caring for the natural environment and treating it as something worthy of respect for its own value not just its usefulness for commercial exploitation.

  • encouraging the human built environment to be healthy, wholesome and sustainable.

  • trying to discourage and avoid practices that lead to misuse of water resources, accumulation of heavy metals, greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution, and loss of biodiversity.

  • fostering understanding of environmental issues through education and promotion.

If you’ve got any ideas relating to Earth Stewardship that you’d like to put forward, please get in touch, by email: