Lifelong Lessons at Graduation

I have been associated with a number of universities for more than four decades. I have probably attended more than fifty graduation ceremonies in that time.

So I have heard a lot of graduation speakers. Let me state the five key themes that tend to emerge from these speeches. There is invariably a call for students to be lifelong learners, to be ethical in all dealings, and to believe in themselves, and risk going outside of their comfort zones. There is usually a call for students to challenge accepted wisdom, and to do all in their power to forge new paths to overcome the problems previous and current generations struggle with.

On two occasions I have been the graduation speaker. In 2019, I issued my own challenge with the use of a story that I have heard my wife relate to her classes many times. It is worth repeating here.

A traveller is walking towards a village. He calls out to a farmer in the field by the road. “Can you tell me about the people in this next village. What are they like?” The farmer replies, “How did you find the people in the last village?” The traveller responds, “They were wonderful, generous, gracious, helpful, and kind.” The farmer replies, “You will find the very same thing in the next village, too.”

A little while later a second traveller walks the same path towards the same village; he, too, calls out to the farmer. “Can you tell me about the people in this next village. What are they like?” The farmer replies, “How did you find the people in the last village?” The traveller responds, “They were terrible, unhelpful, cunning, and ungracious.” The farmer replies, “I think you will find the same thing in the next village, too.”

This story shows how our attitude matters. My challenge to the graduates was as follows: be people of goodwill and benevolence; be those who display an abundance of generosity of spirit. We are called to trust those whom we meet to be people worthy of our respect and kindness. The remarkable thing is that trust will inevitably be reciprocated.

 Rick Sarre

Leader: Leadership Development

Community of Christ Australia