Sanctuaries of Peace

It’s not often you get asked “What do you think heaven is?”… but here I was sharing with two visitors to Community of Christ Temple in Independence, Missouri this week. Joey Williams had asked me to be a volunteer guide on Thursdays while I’m here in the United States and to be truthful I wasn’t really sure if I was prepared for the task. I answered the visitors as best I could and after their self guided tour they seemed to want to talk. I shared with them about my journey with Christ and the church and about our understanding of unity in diversity, the ordination of women and LGBTQIA people and what a blessing they are to our church. 

Later, standing in the foyer of the temple, I talked with these young strangers about my family and grief and moving to Newcastle and how the ocean heals my soul and that walking on the coastline brings me wholeness and connection to God.

Before they left, the young man asked if he could pray for me and my family and we spent a moment sharing in prayer. It was a holy moment.  I was so warmed by their respectful and sincere reaction to the visit. It made me realize what a joy it is to share our faith and our passion in a way that is honest and from the heart. Who knows what lasting impression I left with these two young people but I hope they felt heard and that they will continue exploring their faith. 

I wondered did my answers seem strange to them?  Later as I pondered on the significance of this interaction I came across these following words of Benjamin Corey in Unafraid,  and it all started to make sense to me. “As followers of the way of Jesus our invitation is not to escape to heaven, but to make heaven a reality wherever we are in the present moment. We’re invited not to escape a broken world for heaven, but to be people who are transforming the present world to be more like it.” 

The young people’s visit, though their questions took me by surprise, ultimately had me thinking of Easter and its message of hope; that God is in the process of reconciling all things - in Earth and heaven - into harmony and wholeness.

Some of you may never visit The Community of Christ Temple in Independence yet the vision for which it was built is also a vision for all of us here in Australia. The Temple is dedicated to the pursuit of peace, reconciliation and healing of the spirit. May our endeavours in our country accelerate this cause as we aspire to create sanctuaries of Christ’s peace in the places where we live.  

Listen to this following song “We Share” by Lara Stewart, inspired by words from our scriptures and envision what pursuing peace looks like for you.

Anne Bonnefin
Communications Co ordinator
Community of Christ Australia