Draw the Circle Wide

Have you ever thought about the great cathedrals in Europe and how people in medieval times built their tall spires as symbols reaching upward towards heaven in an effort to get close to God? Many of our modern churches, rather than looking heavenwards, are built to face outwards, with transparent glass walls they link us to the world and creation. At the same time their design moves us inwards to a more intimate ‘living room’ experience. Here we encounter God not as a far off man in the sky but as the God of love woven within our world, through our community and deep into our souls.  Here we reach for a God who rather than being about judgement is about wholeness and oneness.  

Our beautiful Green Cathedral at Tiona on the mid north coast is a church that visually symbolises this divine openhearted vision. It is a metaphor of our journey with the divine; without walls, or doors the Spirit breathes outwards to all of creation and draws us inwards to the core of our being. Sometimes if we are attentive in such a space we find the courage and faith to stay vulnerable to God even within the midst of the messiness of our lives. We tear down our own walls around our heart. This is a risky way to be. It means opening our eyes, remaining present in our lives and vulnerable to the story of others.  It means committing to growth and transformation rather than avoiding or hiding or staying numb. Sometimes being vulnerable to the Spirit in this way means we will confront things we would rather not and yet at other times, as we open our hearts and sharpen our awareness, the sky turns blue and we are embraced in an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. 

Being openhearted means being attentive to the movement of God all around us in the world as well as being aware of the quiet transformations and marvellous unfoldings in our own hearts and perceiving what is being birthed there. Can you believe that, in the midst of all you are going through there is goodness, beauty, connection and wonder? Imagine what miracles are already within you, a part of you. 

“Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living and when your life is over neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you are being while you are doing whatever you are doing.”* So don’t gaze upwards for God but inwards AND outwards. If you are attentive, here you will meet the Holy Spirit impelling you to open wide your heart and drawing you to a larger vision of God’s salvation for creation.  

Here is a link to some spiritual practices to help you awaken God’s presence - click here

Anne Bonnefin
Communications Co ordinator
Community of Christ Australia

*Neal Donald Walsch