It is time for an update about the transformation process for the church in Australia.

To members and friends of Community of Christ

It is time for an update about the transformation process for the church in Australia. I have been hearing through the grape vine that some people have questions and some have concerns around what has been happening. To be clear to everyone, there has been much work and consultation happening with a wide group of people. At the same time, I, like many of you are sometimes frustrated with how long the process can often be. I would encourage you however to be supportive, prayerful and patient, and if you have questions or concerns the best way to address that is to speak directly to myself, Robert Thompson or Adam Wade by phone or email, we are always happy to have a conversation. 


After the National Conference two distinct Steering Committees were formed. The Leadership and Governance Steering Committee was initially 5 but is now 4 people, Ben Smith, Robert Thompson, Zoe Naylor and Rick Sarre.

Their brief is to fully understand the Constitution of the Church; its legal entities; the reporting structures; governance, financial structures, councils, congregations, membership etc. The role of the committee is to work together, drawing also from expert advice, if and when required to frame a sustainable leadership and staffing structure that will support the church into the future, which is in alignment with how we will continue as Community of Christ into the future. The time line for implementation is February 2024. This process will require input from Mission Centre Council, World Church and ultimately Australia Church membership before the recommended model could be implemented. Its is an ambitious goal as there are many legal hurdles to navigate and these often take time to work through. I am extremely confident that this team are the right group of people to direct us in this transformation process.

The other Steering Committee "New Expressions” has a new name "Ministry and Mission" so we need to get used to the name change. This group comprises of Anne Faulke, Kristie Woodward, Peter lonsdale, Jenny Robinson and Robert Thompson, Adam Wade is also ex-officio on both committees. This committee has been meeting weekly on Saturdays and is very focused on bringing a wider engagement of voices to the process. Annie Falke will be sharing with you more about this in a letter in the next few days.

I have travelled through NSW and Victoria for a couple of weeks recently, connecting with leaders and past leaders, and having conversations along the way with many people who are passionate about how the church will continue to be making a difference in the lives of others. At the same time we continue to minister to so many across Australia in "Australia Worships On-Line". I would encourage you all to join on-line when you can, to this ministry. Our next gathering Sunday September 10th at 10am will focus on "Amazing Grace" and features the testimony of Gavin Periera, a story of addiction, homelessness, crime, and Transformation. Gavin will share how he was “loved" into Community of Christ, his is a truly inspirational story. 


Robert Thompson