Each step—taken by church members and leaders— will help choose the next prophet-president.
By Jenn Killpack
director of Communications
As a prophetic people, Community of Christ has entered into an intentional time of discernment for naming the next prophet-president.
This is an important opportunity to listen deeply to the Holy Spirit. We are invited to pay close attention to the worldwide context(s) of the church in which future leaders will serve and spend intentional time to mutually discern the identity of the next prophet-president.
The rhythm of discernment involves a prayer step one month followed by a share step the next month. This gives the church opportunity to engage in meaningful reflection personally and collectively, and then to share responses with the First Presidency.
What is God’s call for the worldwide church in this time?
Using this question, engage the Six Lenses for Discovering God’s Will to expand our shared vision of who God is calling the church to be amid the situations, opportunities, and challenges we have described.
Knowledge and Reason
Continuing Revelation
Personal and Communal Experience
Common Consent
What insight comes from prayerfully engaging these intersecting lenses?
Share your prayer at CofChrist.org/discerning-future-leadership.