A letter of encouragement from Apostle Mareva Arnaud Tchong to the Australia National Conference
Beloved Community of Christ, Family and People of Faith,
Thank you for attending the Australia Mission Center Conference.
You have come by various paths, each carrying in your heart wishes, questions and hopes. You have chosen to come together to discuss, pray, think about ways to continue to make Christ visible and alive in the world !
I am sure that the Spirit will guide you and give you the grace to move forward together; that Spirit will bless you as you listen to one another and initiate discernment about our time, our call and make decisions about the realization of the mission that God entrusts to us, all this, in solidarity with the efforts of the church in the world and sensitive to the needs of humanity.
I know that this opportunity to meet, to listen, to reflect and to decide will be experienced as a time of grace in the joy of the “Good News”.
I am also aware that this will probably lead to new pivots to take and changes that are difficult to accomplish.
I would have liked so much to be among you to live these important moments ; But the scope of my calling requires me to respond to an invitation already planned. I ask you forgiveness for my absence.
The leaders of the Church, the field team and I believe in the Conference and have faith in the Spirit of God who guides you, to envision new possibilities, to act with boldness, courage, passion and faith.
All are called and God needs all in this mysterious plan, this intrepid journey and prodigious mission ; an assured mission, because we are MANY, we are ONE, blessed by the divine promises which are true.
You are in my prayers.
Happy Conference!
PacifikAsia Mission Field
Hawaii USA, 2023 June 7th