The Presidency wants to share a moment of joy with the conference about the expanded diversity reflected in this group of World Church Leaders.
In this group, Apostle Mareva Arnaud Tchong is the first non-native English speaker chosen as the President of the Council of Twelve. Wim van Klinken is the first non-native English speaker to serve in the Presiding Bishopric.
With the addition of Apostle Angela Ramirez, the current Council of Twelve Apostles reflects the broadest diversity of nations and cultures compared to any time in the past.
Karin Peter, who was elected by the Council of Presidents of Seventy, will be the first female to serve as the Senior President of Seventy.
Ronald Viera Lopez will be the first high priest from Honduras in Latin America to serve on the Standing High Council. Issac Bennet Joshua will be the first high priest from India in Central Asia to serve on the Standing High Council. And high priest Vince Lewis from the USA is the first African American male to serve on the Council. This increases our Black American representation on the Council.
The array of diversity among this leadership group includes factors such as age, gender, ethnicity and cultures.
In many ways, this is the most diverse group of World Church leaders the conference has considered. From the Presidency’s perspective, this is a moment that needs to be honored and celebrated as a global community