“Somewhere?” “Anywhere?”
“Elsewhere?” or “Nowhere?”
A few years ago I was on a flight from Venice to Paris flying Air France. With nothing else to do I picked up the Air France magazine from the back of the seat in front of me and began to read. I came across one article that really stood out for me and I thought the content was quite relevant for us as we enter into a New Year.
The article had the picture of a signpost at a crossroad and on the four signs were the words, “Somewhere,” “Anywhere,” “Elsewhere” and “Nowhere.” The main point made in the article was: “Where you have come from is not important, the most important thing in life is where you are now!”
Where are you at this present time? Are you on the brink of a new endeavour, a new project? Are you planning ahead for a holiday, fresh studies or a new project? What expectations do you have for this year 2023? Or does it looks as though life will continue to go on as it has for the past couple of years?
Are our answers to the question of where am I going in 2023 going to be: “It could be somewhere, but I don’t know where!” Or, “It could be anywhere, but I don’t have the inclination to decide just yet!” Or, “It could be elsewhere, just as long as I don’t remain here, but where to go I haven’t got a clue!” Or, “It will probably be nowhere as I don’t have the motivation to get away from the comfortable situation I am already in!”
Throughout our lives we receive directions on how to live our lives from parents, teachers, friends, priesthood and other sources including the Scriptures.
The Pharisees had catalogued a list of 613 commandments or laws, giving directions for all faithful Jews to follow. In these later times, I find the directions we receive from reading the Old Testament books mostly quite harsh and direct such as: “Thou shalt do this or else!” or, “Thou shalt not do this!” This is not to say we shouldn’t take notice of them.
However, when we turn to the New Testament and read the words of Jesus and take in his practical and caring witness to people, we see a change in the way of giving directions. Whilst on occasions Jesus’ words of advice were quite firm, in most instances they were words of guidance, encouragement and compassion, totally supportive and with positive outcomes for the recipient(s).
For example, he encouraged people to develop a faith in God and praised them for their faith in coming to him for a healing. He invited people to come to him, deny themselves, take up their cross and follow him. Jesus encouraged people to worship God and only serve Him. He promoted the idea of letting our lights shine before men so that they may see our good works. He called people to come to him when they are feeling burdened and he would give them rest. He challenged people to teach and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And he gave the new all embracing commandment to love our God, self and neighbour.
Surely the words of Jesus can give us a sense of direction for our lives if we are struggling to decide where we should be going in 2023! President Veazey challenged the church in D&C 163:11b: “There are many issues that could easily consume the time and energy of the church. However, the challenge before a prophetic people is to discern and pursue what matters most for the journey ahead.” So, where do we intend to go? The words of Mary Slessor, a missionary to Nigeria are helpful: “Anywhere, provided it be forward!”
As we go forward we need to take into consideration those important areas in our lives such as health, social activities, relationships, spiritual, financial and work that all form important parts of our lives. As you reflect on this important question at the beginning of a New Year don’t forget to remember to consider these facets of your life as you determine the direction you will take.
I am sure each of us realise the way to go in living our lives is forward - with God’s help. President Hoover, when asked by Norman Vincent Peale the secret of his success in life as a Christian statesman said: “With the help of God, I never gave up.”
From where you are now, have you answered the question yet? Where am I going in 2023? May the Lord be with you as you make this personal decision?
Bill Gillard