We continue to journey in this season of Lent. And as we walk this road of preparing for the great event of Easter, our world is still being bound down and overcome by the CORONA virus and its various strains. I don’t need to go into the limitations that have been constraining us from going about our normal lives. I notice in our community that more people are starting to wear masks again. The media continues to provide details of the impact and effects of this virus. As I am experiencing these constraints in my life, my inner self is screaming, “I want to be free!”
As I pondered this current situation, my thoughts have been led to a scripture in D&C 155:7 which read: “Know, O my people, the time for hesitation is past. The earth, my creation, groans for the liberating truths of my gospel which have been given for the salvation of the world.” I ask myself, if I want to be free will the liberating truths of the gospel appease my needs?
The gospel is about liberation. Throughout Christ’s ministry people were transformed; they were called forth to lead a better life and to follow Christ.
Christ came bringing a new message of salvation. It was a salvation found in the transformation of hearts and minds as people were healed physically and spiritually. It was a salvation found in the hope of a life better than the one here on earth – a life with Christ in heaven.
The gospel was a salvation found through giving up self-centred ways of living and putting love of God and Jesus Christ first, and love for others second. When we believe in Jesus Christ, and open ourselves up to the unconditional love of God, our hearts are transformed.
The salvation of the world will come when we recognise God’s presence within ourselves and in the lives of others, when we can sense the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst and desire to share that experience with others. Salvation occurs as we continually give our lives to Christ and allow ourselves to be transformed into new beings.
I recently heard one of our nation’s top psychologists suggesting ways to help people overcome the anxiety and stress that they are experiencing as a result of the presence of this CORONA virus. She suggested that we eat healthy foods, exercise, wash our hands regularly, avoid social media and use social distancing. These are all fine suggestions for us to follow. However, this psychologist did also suggest we practice meditation. This practice is part of and encouraged by the principles contained in the Christian gospel
So what can we learn from the gospel principles offered to us by Jesus? This season of Lent is an ideal time to reflect on his messages. We are encouraged to spend time alone and with God. Connect with the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation. Become less self-centred and care for and provide loving acts of kindness to those struggling in this current environment. Live a life of faith and trust in our God that eventually all will be well. Read the scriptures and good books that will take our minds off this current dilemma.
Let us turn to the gospel principles for our help and sustenance and if we do I know God will walk with us.
Bill Gillard