"....a big day for the Pastor" Frankston holds a double service in commemoration

Apostle (Bud) Howard S Sheehy in 1971

Apostle (Bud) Howard S Sheehy in 1971

Earlier this year it was bought to my attention that the 50th anniversary of the corner stone for the brick building at Frankston was coming up. After reading the plate, and seeing it was laid by the then apostle Howard Sheehy, I decide this needed celebrating and I managed to track down Howard; who is now living in Independence, and is an Evangelist.

I am absolutely blessed; and feel quite honoured, to [have been] in a position to meet, via the internet, such a lovely Gentle Man who over the past year has offered me some sound advice.

The 50th Anniversary fell on the 25th of April, this was also ANZAC day, so I set about organising two events for the day. Fortunately, given the fact that ANZAC day was again impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, the Victorian RSL provided community groups with information on how to run a Dawn Service.

Frankston Congregations commemorates ANZAC Day 2021 with a Dawn Service

Frankston Congregations commemorates ANZAC Day 2021 with a Dawn Service

Each year my Husband and I march in the ANZAC parade, proudly wearing our Grandfather’s medals, my Husband also wears his Father’s medals. So I thought, instead of standing in our dive-way at dawn on our own, why not stand in the Church’s drive-way and invite the public to join us, and why not have BBQ breakfast?

I set about drawing up the Dawn service, according to the RSL guidelines; I headed up the service with Brian McClelland and one of our treasured kin-cares Maxine Burley both assisting with a reading on the morning.

I had taken the lovely wooden cross from our Chapel and placed it in the front garden bed - that happens to be in the shape of Australia - and my Husband then set up a spot light to shine on the cross. This is where people could lay a wreath if they wanted to. As if I didn’t have enough to do; also organising our 50th anniversary of the foundation stone being laid - as Howard said in his email to me this morning, when suggesting I write a story about the 25th April 2021, “It was a big day for the Pastor Trudy Rigg”.

Howard has been a blessing to me, and to Frankston, another challenge I had was how on earth do I ZOOM Howard in, record, and make sure everyone in the Chapel can hear everything? I am not tech savvy so it was an interesting exercise. We also couldn’t use the Church’s Wi-Fi as it kept dropping in and out so I had to hot-spot my phone to my iPad and so on.

Over all the worship went smoothly, this was the first time I had seen what Howard looked like, meeting someone via ZOOM is different to say the least. Howard somehow knew exactly what we needed at Frankston and offered an Evangelist blessing, the wording was perfect. I think it was my second or third email to Howard when he offered a prayer of Blessing for Frankston, and emailed it to me, at that stage I hadn’t shared with him our struggles.

When reading Howard’s Blessing for Frankston I had tears rolling down my cheeks at how perfect it, was how timely it was, and how we needed this blessing. It saddens me that I may never meet the Gentle Man in person, to give him a hug and say “THANK YOU” .

Frankston Pastor, Trudy Rigg, speaks with Howard Sheehy- via Zoom - at the 50 year celebration service

Frankston Pastor, Trudy Rigg, speaks with Howard Sheehy- via Zoom - at the 50 year celebration service

Below is a copy of Howard’s Blessing for Frankston, and, thank you Howard for prompting me to share the 25 of April 2021 with everyone.

We will be holding a big celebration in November for the 50th Anniversary of the official opening of the Brick Building we are currently in. I hope COVID restrictions don’t get in the way and you can join us at Frankston to help us celebrate.

Peace, Love and Blessings

Pastor Trudy Rigg

Blessing for Frankston Congregation

April 25, 2021

O Lord, as we come before you to bless this congregation of your children we are profoundly aware of your abiding love for them and of your joy that they have come to be nourished by your Presence. May we each feel welcome and accepted.

In our gathering we recall those faithful servants who in the past planted the gospel and invited their friends to join in the fellowship of the church and watched over those who needed the care of the Good Shepherd. May their good works continue to live in our lives as we sustain and encourage one another.

For those who are afraid, rest upon them with assurance that they may always trust in you. Calm their fears and give them peace.

For those who are alone, may your Comforter enfold them and warm their hearts and be their companion and friend.

For those who are depressed and feel they have no voice, touch them with courage to reach out in service to others, for it is in the service of others that we become aware that we are in Your service.

For those who are ill and suffering with disease extend your healing touch and set in order the physical and spiritual elements of their well being.

For those who lead us, grant them wisdom and compassion as they seek a vision of our future together and bring hope and healing to our spirits. Lift them up so they will not be discouraged or weary in well-doing. We pray for our Pastor who fosters our laboring together and calls us to be truly your people in this place. May we be a part of the peaceable kingdom.

For those who teach us and bring us into your Presence – help them understand our need to develop skills to serve you by serving each other and our community more effectively. May our homes be open to receive those who call upon You and seek refuge.

We ask that you will touch our homes and families as we lift up our children for your blessing and hope that they will share in the great work to which we are all called. May the love of the Lord Jesus rest upon them as they remain faithful to your invitation and responsive to your love. Gather us now in the arms of your embrace and may we always feel the warmth of your love and hear your voice as you call us by our name.
