By Lu Mountenay of Independence, MO, USA
For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my deliverance and my honor; my mighty rock, my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. —Psalm 62:5–8 NRSV
Many times I have called on God to be my Refuge. Often I have wanted to hide from the world, with all its contamination, racism, violence, and injustice. Many times I have wanted to be with the One who loves me no matter what I do or fail to do. At those times I want to be with God, alone.
These are the times I am shaken from my delusions, and discover I can’t make everything right. What power do I, alone, have against the military-industrial complex? Sure, I can write, sing, protest, and even go to jail as a peace activist. But then someone asks me, “What difference do you make?”
Stunned by the question, I make a feeble attempt to explain…but the question is valid, if not cruel.
I go back to my Refuge to learn again, why. Why do I do this? Why do I risk? Would I do this if I did not know God would be there when I call? But God is here—with me even before I am aware of my need. I don’t fall too far before I realize the mighty Rock is there when I reach for it. It is stable and does not move. God sees my vulnerability and knows I am ready to accept a blessing. I am reassured that I can make a difference, that I am not alone.
With a gentle nudge from the nest, I stop hiding, rejoin my community, and claim the strength God taught me I have with others by my side. I spread my wings and fly with faith.
Prayer for Peace
Strong and gentle Refuge, we feel welcome in your shelter, but know we can’t stay long. The community of peacemakers needs us to use every gift we have to share Christ’s peace.
Spiritual Practice: Psalm Writing
The psalms are prayers of honesty and trust. The psalmist trusts God’s presence in times of fear and failure, joy and plenty, growth and change. Write a short psalm-prayer expressing to God the truth about your physical, emotional, and spiritual state. What are your deepest feelings, longings, and needs? What prayer of praise, intercession, or petition flows from you as you consider your life and the life of God’s world?
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will collaborate with the community to make a bigger difference than I can make alone.
Reposted from Daily Bread Blog