24th May, 2024

Greetings from the Ministry & Mission team,  

 The 4 Working Groups that formed have been meeting weekly / fortnightly since early April. Around 35 individuals from different generations, regions, and backgrounds are engaged with the Community of Christ across these 4 groups. As a reminder the groups are: Spiritual growth, Well equipped leaders, Engaging and relevant ministries, and Meaningful connection with community. 

Last Sunday 19 May we had an Online workshop where 40 project summaries were presented to the group. Following the online workshop, participants have been invited to give feedback on each other's projects, providing an opportunity for cross-fertilisation and collaboration. Further collaboration, feedback, and evaluation will take place at the June Retreat. Both of these events are closed events for registered participants of the Working Groups only. We are not adding new people to this phase of the process. However, the process will open up again in the next phase, when we begin to seek feedback from stakeholders and broader membership.

 More than just generating program ideas, this is an exercise in uncovering our true capacity as a people. Each group has been challenged to think of ideas that they can lead and deliver themselves. By keeping the imaginings realistic, factoring in current people and resources, current needs and behaviours, there is a sense that the ministries are achievable. 

 Some key themes from the discussions on 19 May:

  • Important to have something to connect seekers / new people to (a structure)

  • Seeking active engagement from members who do not attend congregations will challenge us to rethink the structures of discipleship participation, development, pastoral care, leadership development, priesthood, and administrative participation.

  • A clear shift from congregation as centre of disciples life, to discipleship at the centre of a community's life.

  • Looking for connectedness/overlaps as a way forward rather than pursuing gaps. Where there is overlapping interest, there is greater passion/depth of leadership and greater sustainability. 

  • There are still meaningful connections to be had in our local communities

  • There is a need to separate 'program' type projects from 'governance/admin' projects

  • What will be truly transformational? 

 It is a joy to be a part of this great reimagining of Ministry and Mission in Australia. We appreciate the prayerful support of the people and staff in the Mission Centre and Pacific Field as we consider the opportunities ahead of us in Australia. We particularly appreciate those members who are volunteering as part of a Working Group—your committed discipleship is appreciated, and your professional expertise is invaluable. 


M&M Steering Committee