Policy for Return to Physical Gatherings

November 2021

While the church in some places in Australia this last year has met regularly in person, Victoria and NSW have experienced significant lockdowns which have prevented in person gatherings. Innovative approaches to worship, study and fellowship have emerged, surprising many at how effectively connection can occur through a screen. Whether it has been Australia-wide worships, congregational worships, or other activities, the Spirit has been in our meetings and ministries just as presently as when we meet in a chapel or campground. This has blessed the church and the wider community.

We have discovered with some surprise that inviting people to an online activity is easier and more readily available than in person gatherings, which has led to a wider participation of non-members in our gatherings, and indeed, members who reside in places where a physical congregation is present have found online activity a breath of fresh air for their discipleship. We’ve learned a lot, and our approach to ministry will be forever changed.

That being said, there is a strong desire of many to return (where not already happening) to in person gatherings at congregational buildings and campgrounds. To do so safely, the church will be implementing a strong foundation of policy and practice to ensure all those in our midst are kept healthy and out of harm’s way. State governments have implemented (or will be implementing) varying degrees of Covid-19-safe policy and applying restrictions when it comes to religious gatherings, and throughout the past 18 months keeping up with the variations has been a burden to officers of the church in all jurisdictions. Having consulted the church through discussion and dialogue, I attach the final policy below, which is effective immediately and will be reviewed in March of 2022.

Important principles in our considerations:

- All people are of worth

- Protecting the vulnerable is at the heart of our mission

- Health and wellbeing are important, both physical and mental

- Vaccinations save lives and assist in stopping the spread of Covid-19

- Our community is more than our desire to gather physically

- The Covid-19 pandemic is still with us and will remain with us for the foreseeable future


- All activities must comply with state and federal government health orders

- Congregations are required to develop/refresh their Covid Safe Plans prior to recommencing gatherings (where they stopped)

- With the support of Mission Centre Leadership, congregational leaders are responsible for implementing the policy at the local level

The following policy will be the minimum setting Australia-wide, with some additional local requirements based on State-based health orders:

1. Church activities (regardless of whether indoor or outdoor): all participants will be encouraged to be fully vaccinated.

Note: Activities include but are not limited to all gatherings, worship, camps, retreats, youth groups whether at a church facility or another location.

2. Visiting: priesthood and members visiting others (in homes, hospitals, etc) will be required to be fully vaccinated.

Note: Visitors will determine whether the person they are visiting is a person/environment they are comfortable visiting.

3. Masks: all participants are highly encouraged to use masks indoors

4. Social distancing: given the above conditions, social distancing remains an important element of protection, and density limits of 1 person per 2m2 is to be implemented, subject to local laws.

Note: Other densities may be enforced by local health orders, with 1 person per 2m2 being a minimum requirement for this policy.

5. Food: Food is to remain single serve and no sharing of common plates (such as is common during a potluck lunch) is allowable.

Note: Other forms of food service are allowable, such as from a kitchen with one or two individuals serving others, or from a BBQ for example. Food safety protocols should be followed in these instances.

An important thing to remember is that our community includes a variety of diverse individuals, and we are strengthened by that diversity. If some or all members of a congregation do not wish to comply with the policy or feel that some in their community would be negatively impacted, congregational leadership must discuss their concerns with Mission Centre Leadership.

I trust that the Spirit will guide us through this important step in the establishment of new communities once again.

In peace,

Ben Smith

President, Community of Christ

Australia Mission Centre