Nepal Flood Relief Update and Hurricane Harvey Announcement

Julie Crittenden, Mission Centre Financial Officer, shares the following announcement:

Nepal Flood Relief Update and Hurricane Harvey Announcement

The World Church advise that the initial $15,000 (US) goal for the flood relief efforts in Nepal has been exceeded. World Church will continue to monitor the needs in Nepal and aid will be provided as necessary.    

Hurricane Harvey, which hit the United States over the weekend 26 – 27 August, continues to cause devastating conditions. The church is committed to providing relief for members in Houston and surrounding areas. An initial goal of $25,000 (US) has been identified and will be reassessed as specific needs are made known. 

Coastal Bend USA Mission Centre President Cheryl Saur said at least five Community of Christ families are affected. The Pasadena congregation likely will be hardest hit, Saur said. Most members’ homes have taken on water, but everyone is safe in shelters. One family from the Bay Area congregation was evacuated. Efforts to contact members continue.

If you wish to support the relief efforts in Texas and surrounding areas, you can give now through your offering envelope or direct to the Mission Centre Office

What will the response of AUSTRALIA MISSION CENTRE be?

For the entire month of September all giving to Abolish Poverty, End Suffering over and above the usual donations received throughout the Australia Mission Centre will be designated for helping the Nepal Flood Relief and Hurricane Harvey Relief appeals as The First Presidency and Presiding Bishopric deem appropriate.

Please be generous and give by either using your offering envelope, credit card online at (please include ‘Disaster Relief’ in the ‘More Information’ section) or by making a direct deposit to: Account name – Community of Christ World Church, BSB – 032 182, Account number – 790627. Please include on the bank reference line ‘APES + Your name’ e.g.  ‘APES V.Generous‘.

If you choose direct deposit, please email when payment is made, advising the date of payment, amount, your name and that the payment is to go to Disaster Relief.

 The first $25,000 (US) received will go to Texas Flood Relief efforts.  Additional funds received will either be used for these relief efforts as needed or will go to Worldwide Mission Tithes.

Please continue to uphold the people in Nepal and in the path of Hurricane Harvey in your prayers.

Tiona Accomodation Update

Dear Friends around Australia (and beyond!)

Tiona Reunion 2017 planning is well underway and it’s full steam ahead. It promises to be a joyful and uplifting experience…

I am grateful that we continue to be able to provide the opportunity to come together and know community in a way that touches human hearts so profoundly. And here it is on our very doorstep. At Tiona Reunion we can refresh our spirit and listen to the voice of God speaking directly into our own hearts. We are inspired and touched by hearing each other’s stories… each other’s challenges… each other’s passion. We are strengthened by being in relationship with one another… finding our connection, our sisterhood and brotherhood, in amongst our diversity.

ASSISTING PEOPLE TO PLAN TO BE THERE IS AN IMPORTANT STEP. Last year we introduced an early booking system which was extremely successful in allowing people to select their preference before we finalised our Reunion booking with the Lease Managers. 

RIGHT NOW – until 24Th August – YOU CAN DO THAT AGAIN! You can make your choice and ensure your preferred option is available for you when registrations open fully next month.

Tell us what you want and help us make the best selection.

We have significantly improved the system from last year and the RegisterNow accommodation system is a quick and easy process to make your choice and pay your deposit for your preferred accommodation. Click on this link to go straight there:

By the way, if you plan to select a tent/van site WITHIN the Lakeside section ie along the avenue between office and Green Cathedral, it is NOT necessary to pre-book as you can wait until the main registrations open – we block-book this camping area. You can however pre-book if you wish.

Tiona Reunion is unique in that you can tailor a Registration package to best suit your budget and your needs. Everyone pays the standard Event fee cost, then you add the accommodation of your choice and optional dining packages. See the full Fee Schedule below – heavily subsidised by the Tiona Lease Management income. Event registration and meal packages will be available to select when the main Registrations open in September.

As many of you will be aware, we are unable to increase our booking selections after the end of August. Please understand that using this early booking system is the way to ensure you can register for Tiona cabin-style accommodation.

RIGHT NOW all you have to do is say what accommodation you would like to reserve, and pay a deposit to secure your choice – before 24 August.  

  • You can also tell us if you need to match your Reunion booking with your private booking at Tiona before or after Reunion. 
  • You can tell us if there are special circumstances that mean you need access to a particular type of accommodation.

If you’re not sure – don’t wait – drop me an email at OR text or phone me 0411 473835. Remember, there are limited supplies of some cabin types so the sooner you tell us what you want the better we can negotiate to find a win-win solution BEFORE you make a commitment.

With love,

Jan Thompson (volunteer Reunion Director)


2017 Full Fee Schedule

Registration Fee

The registration fee goes towards morning teas and suppers, and special events, Community meals like Carnival lunch on 27th and New Year’s Day brunch, all scheduled activities, program materials and resources, and guest ministry. 

Whole week

Adult: $100

Child (16 & under): $50

*Family rate (single parent): $180

*Family rate (two adult parents): $220

*Please note “Family rate” applies to adults with own dependent children





Letter Regarding Same-Sex Marriage


As Community of Christ, it is our desire to become a people that reflect God’s love for us. Our principles of the Worth of All Persons, Unity in Diversity and Blessings of Community are values we believe also reflect Australian values, where our community strives to create a place where respect, fairness and compassion are deep in our conscience.

Recent debate in the Australian community has caused many to feel distressed and concerned about their worth as equals in our society, and some debate has been contrary to our values. The opportunity for couples in same-sex relationships to experience the joy of marriage may be considered by the public through a plebiscite, and it is important to recognise that although there may be varying perspectives among us, we must respect each other in a way that upholds the worth of each individual.

Jesus stood for justice and compassion. When he saw acts of government or religious leaders preventing humanity to be at one with each other and with God, he spoke out. Although it was unpopular at times, he wept with those who wept, he sat with those who hurt, and represented those who were persecuted. As his disciples, this becomes our role.

As you consider your response, we encourage you to contemplate how your actions will promote a community embodying joy, hope, love and peace. We are reminded in Doctrine and Covenants 163:7c that “it is not pleasing to God when any passage of scripture is used to diminish or oppress races, genders, or classes of human beings. Much physical and emotional violence has been done to some of God’s beloved children through the misuse of scripture. The church is called to confess and repent of such attitudes and practices.”

Let this reminder frame our response in a compassionate and just way as we show our neighbour that they are loved.

With Peace,

Australian Mission Centre Leadership Team

International Youth Forum 2018

Plans are underway for 2018 International Youth Forum-USA (IYF USA). This special event will be held 19-20 July 2018 for youth who have finished grades 9-12 (or ages 15-19).         

Following IYF USA 2018, SPECTACULAR begins on Saturday, 21 July-Saturday, 28 July at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. 

If you are between the ages of 15-18 in 2018 please email Alicia Turner or Kassandra Unger for an application to register your interest in being part of the Australian Delegation.




Letter of gratitude for Christy Pratt

Dear Friends, 

It’s with somber gratitude that I write to you and advise that Christy Pratt, who has been serving as a Congregational Support Minister in Perth for the past 4 years, will finish her employment with the church in September. Due to changes in the skilled workers visa (which we have used for quite some time for a number of non-Australian employees), the classification of “Religious Worker” has been removed from the approved skills list, meaning the church can no longer sponsor workers coming from overseas. This will mean that at the end of Christy’s sponsorship she will be returning to the USA.

While she has only been with us here for four years, her contribution to our movement will be unforgettable. Her sensitivity to the Spirit, her flair with art and expression, together with her ability to enthuse any group of people with her zest for life will remain her gift to us well beyond her physical presence. I feel we have also left a permanent mark in her life, having educated (and convinced!) her of the benefits of Australian life and culture.

We will miss you Christy, and look forward to hearing more about your journey wherever the Spirit leads you.

Please join me in expressing gratitude to Christy and let her know how much she has meant to you, her email is 

With Peace,

Ben Smith

President, Australia Mission Centre.

Updated Graphics for Mission Initiatives

The First Presidency has approved updates to the Mission Initiatives. Here is a link to the Dropbox folder where they are publicly hosted. Please delete any old files and download the new ones from this Dropbox folder.


The World Church is also working with the First Presidency to approve icons for the Enduring Principles.  Files will be shared as soon as the approval process is completed.

Announcement regarding Kallara Reunion

29 June 2017

Dear Friends,

The Victoria Network Pastors recently met at Kallara during Family Camp to consider the future direction for Reunion. The context to their discussion was that Reunion has experienced decreasing attendance over the past decade, with participants citing that the time of year was becoming less available for retreat, with most choosing to spend valuable time with family and friends. Contrasting that is the higher attendance at shorter camps such as Family Camp and congregational retreats.

It was decided that Mission resources previously allocated to Reunion be shifted to Family Camp, resulting in Reunion no longer being held at Kallara, with last year (2016) being the final reunion experience in Victoria for the time being. It is a bitter sweet decision, with many life changing experiences taking place at either Mountain Hut
or Kallara which will never be forgotten. A more in depth reflection will be published
in the coming months that recount some of those experiences.

It is a reminder that as the world changes, so must our ways of connecting with each other. Adapting and evolving can be difficult, perhaps even painful at times, however
it is through these experiences that we grow together and with God to enrich the lives of the community around us. May we always look to the purpose of our meeting – sharing the Good News, and continue to find new ways of experiencing God’s grace.


Ben Smith,

Australia Mission Centre President

New Mission President

Dear Saints,

Receive my loving and respectfull greetings.

It is with humility and pleasure that I am able to announce that, after having respected the recruitment process, after reflection, with prayers and spirit of discernment,
brother Ben Smith has accepted the position of Mission President designate for the Australia Mission Centre effective March 31, 2017.

This appointment will be presented to the delegates to the Australia Mission Centre conference on May 27-28 for a sustaining vote.

A formal letter of appointment will be forthcoming from the First Presidency.

I share this announcement to provide you advance notice of the official appointment.

Once brother Ben Smith assumes the role on March 31, 2017, brother Ken Barrows will shift to the position of a special assistant to the Mission Centre President to provide assistance according to the needs and contexts.

We thank Brother Ken Barrows for the good, valiant and unique ministry given to the Mission Centre for these past eight years.

We celebrate God’s love and light, which continues to guide us in this journey to Zion.
Let us continue to pray and tosupport one another in the Peace of Christ.



Mareva Arnaud,


February 6th, 2017


Download the official letter here

Giving Tuesday


It's coming - 29th of November!

Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back.  Be part of this world-wide movement as people come together to celebrate generosity and to give.

In our world-wide church 2015 Giving Tuesday campaign raised $197,700 USD in less than 24 hours to support world-wide mission.  This was thanks in part to six generous families that came together to match all online contributions that day, doubling the impact of hundreds of contributors from five countries.  Let’s see what we can do in Australia in 2016!

Check Community of Christ Facebook on 29 November for the 2016 goal and to watch how much and why people give to Christ’s mission.  Contribute online at  Please join us and be part of this worldwide celebration of a new tradition of generosity.

Watch for further announcements and information across Australia during November.

Mission Centre President Position

A message from Apostle Mareva Arnaud.

“Here I am Lord”: A Call for applications to serve as Australia Mission Centre President 

It is with much anticipation that we announce our call for applications to the position of Australia Mission Centre President. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Ken Barrows in this role, and note his assignment will effectively end 30 June 2017. In order to fill the vacancy created, the position of Australia Mission Centre President is being advertised. Applications are invited from individuals with relevant qualifications and experience from Australia and across the world-wide church. We are seeking applicants who can bring their ministerial vision, committed discipleship and organisational skills to lead the Australia Mission Centre in living Christ’s Mission. 

Applications will be received up until 30 November 2016. An interview and selection committee will be formed, comprised of 3 Australian representatives, along with the Field Apostle, and world church Director of Field Ministries and Director of Human Resources. This panel will review the applications and make a selection. 

The recommended candidate will be presented to the Australia Mission Centre conference scheduled for 27-28 May 2017 for a sustaining vote to confirm appointment. They are expected to assume the role effective 1 July 2017 and are required to live in Australia. 

In order to facilitate this leadership change, Ken Barrows will serve as an assistant to the newly selected Australia Mission Centre President for a short period of time before and after he or she takes office. How to apply: 

1. To review the position description and complete an online application form go to: 

2. Prepare resumé and letter of interest 

3. Reply by email at:



2016 Mission Conference

Australia Mission Centre Conference 23-24 April 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the first Australasian Mission Conference held in Australia in 1916.  Plans are now being made to celebrate this anniversary in April 2016 in Sydney, NSW.  If anyone has any photos, documents, memorabilia or stories that can assist with the celebrations we invite you to send them to: Margaret Morris, 77 Jacaranda Drive, Bass Hill, NSW 2197 or email

Expressions of Interest 2017 Cruise Reunion

I’m grateful for your response to our ‘expression of interest’ for a 2017 Cruise Reunion.  The good news is that there’s favourable interest in the idea and we will now begin to move forward with planning this special event.

With all your responses came a variety of preferences for the cruise.  Some prefer the ocean, others a river; some prefer the Pacific Islands, others Europe or Asia; others a witnessing trip to Tahiti or Auckland , others fly to Hawaii fora witnessing weekend and cruise home.  All wonderful suggestions and I’m ready to board each one!

Such is the interest that perhaps we need two different reunion cruises?  So, here’s where I need to enlist your wonderful help.

Heather Gillard has kindly prepared the following questionnaire to assist with the thought provoking process and preliminary planning.  If you wish to participate in the 2017 Cruise Reunion please complete the following so we can determine if we need two different cruises.

1.     A Pacific Cruise leaving from Sydney and sailing around the Pacific Islands.

2.     A European Cruise where we fly to a European country and have either a cruise on a large boat, small ship or a river cruise. If we book well in advance then there are deals that include your air fare.

If your option is number two, can you select your choice of countries and number them in preferences as this well help determine where the majority of people wish to go and what cruises are available.

Please number the 21 countries in order of your preferences.




Czech Republic
















The Netherlands






Preferred Option:  1._______________________________2. ________________________________


Name: ____________________________________________________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________


Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Return your completed questionnaire prior to Monday 7 September 2015 to or Helen Taylor, 12 Taylor Street, West Pennant Hills NSW 2125. 

I’m excited that you’re interested in travelling together and look forward to sharing this experience with you.

All aboard!

Helen Taylor
Administrative Assistant











Health and Wholeness Survey

The First Presidency chartered the World Church Health and Wholeness Team in response to 2013 World Conference Resolution 1305 Wholeness and Well-being. This resolution directs the church to renew emphasis on health and well-being of body, mind, spirit, and relationships.The resolution also says the church needs to develop support and resources for health and wholeness.

We  invite you to take a short survey about health and wholeness. The purpose of the survey is to gather information. The survey results are not intended to change World Church policies. We will use the information to create resources that encourage health, wholeness, and well-being for Community of Christ members and friends. 


Please complete the survey by clicking this link by the end of July.