IMPORTANT - Instructions for delegates joining the Legislative Business or Pre-legislative Sessions online (Zoom):

  • The floor will be open up to 10 minutes before the start of pre-legislative and legislative sessions for those in external locations to connect and undertake and AV check. This is especially important if you are planning on taking the floor at any point. 

  • If you are joining from a 'hub' (where multiple delegates are present) please designate a person to be the 'computer monitor' this person will sit by the keyboard to ensure swift responses can be typed or actioned in the case that the floor is to be obtained, or when submitting votes. 

  • When joining (via Zoom) please make sure that the name you are using is one that you are known by to us i.e your first and last name, or your congregation's name. Those joining with a generic user name like ‘iphone’ or ‘Samsung’ or with a phone number may be denied entry or experience delays in joining the meeting.