The Church as a Village

“All over the world people are leaving villages. It is one of the great migrations of history. They leave to find jobs. They leave to escape poverty and toil. They hope to find all the dreams promoted and sold by Western culture. A world of indolence peopled by creature comforts where comfort is confused with happiness and consuming becomes a surrogate for life. But most times the dream becomes a nightmare…..”

By John Taylor

Do this and you will live

Do this and you will live

So said Jesus to the lawyer who had quoted scripture about loving God with all your heart, soul, and might, and loving your neighbour as yourself. He asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” Jesus’ answer left no one in doubt. He offered the toughest possible example – a hated, loathed Samaritan as the good neighbour helping a noble Jew in need by the road. The message was clear – the neighbour we should love includes everyone. No exceptions. None.

LOVE - All Are Called

LOVE - All Are Called

“Our thoughts and prayers are simply not enough in these times. If we are to be the hands and feet of Christ in our world, we must join together to be at the forefront of work to bring justice to victims of these abuses, but further, we are called as a people to bring change to unjust systems which perpetuate more of the same. “…….

…..“We are called to exemplify the way of Jesus in the world, and through our principles and actions we will guide our communities to understand the Spirit of God in new ways.“