Circle in a Spiral

“The spiral is the age-old intuitive symbol of spiritual development and our identity with the universe. It is found in cultures the world over… As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness. (Geoff Ward - The Pattern of Existence).

Welcome to Kids' Camp

No scene setting required. God is in the place, in the kids, in the chaos, in the connection to each other and the natural environment, in the bravery to come, make new friends and be authentically who they are created to be, of accepting who others really are.  Of showing enthusiasm and actually trying one’s best because what else would you do?

Laser beams and other forms of light

The room was pitch black then suddenly green laser beams crisscrossed the darkness and left little room to move without bumping into them.  The object was to move from one wall to another and touch a glowing hand embedded in the opposite wall. It was way beyond my agility but the children manoeuvred the space quickly; their combined efforts and coordination meant that they worked out nimble solutions for the obstacles they faced. I was impressed, they were way too quick for me!

Come and see, then go and tell!

It’s not too hard to imagine the devastation and grief the followers of Jesus must have felt as they were confronted with his crucifixion on the cross.  However, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary felt it their duty to go and visit the tomb where Jesus was laid and take spices prepared for his body.  And so early on the Sabbath morning following the crucifixion they went to see the tomb.

Draw the Circle Wide

Have you ever thought about the great cathedrals in Europe and how people in medieval times built their tall spires as symbols reaching upward towards heaven in an effort to get close to God? Many of our modern churches, rather than face upwards, are built to face outwards, with transparent glass walls they link us to the world and creation. At the same time their design moves us inwards to a more intimate ‘living room’ experience. Here we encounter God not as a far off man in the sky but as the God of love woven within our world, through our community and deep into our souls.  Here we reach for a God who rather than being about judgement is about wholeness and oneness.