What matters most to you in your religious and spiritual life? What would you like to uphold to the community as important as we begin to evolve our ministries? 

Together as a community, we have been undergoing a process of transformation, working our way through the first two stages of
discovery & ideation. The full process is covered in the first Town Hall meeting recording, which you will find at the bottom of this page.

Phase 1: Discovery

Small Group Discussions

Small group discussions were held throughout September, October, focussing on our own experiences and what currently brings meaning and connection. An overview of the discussions was provided in Town Hall #4.

Transformation Survey

The survey explored a different set of questions, and allowed more time for reflection and consideration of your responses. 

Individual Interviews

Our team conducted individual conversations and interviews with members, congregations and small groups, contributing to the pool of background information.

Past Research

Feedback from previous reports and research is also being considered and included as part of the discovery phase.

Phase 2: Ideation

Ideation is the creative phase of Transformation, where we begin to imagine and build new ways of working. January - March 2024 focused on recruiting members to join active Working Groups focused on the 5 themes of transformation: 1. Spiritual Growth 2. Well-equipped Leaders  3. Engaging and Relevant Ministry  4. Meaningful Connection in Community  5. A Sustainable Organisation. 

Working groups

In March, we called out to the community for individuals willing to join Working Groups. 4 Working Groups were formed on the themes Individual Spiritual Growth, Well Equipped Leaders, Engaging and  Relevant Ministries, and Meaningful Connections in Community.  The Working Groups met fortnightly during April and May, developing ideas to be presented to the broader group. Each group was provided with the research and survey results collected in the Discovery phase last year. 

Individuals prayerfully considered their own sense of passion and calling within their theme, proposing Projects that would further ministry and mission. Uniquely, individuals were asked to develop projects that they were willing to lead themselves, not ideas for other people to action. With that challenge in mind, the Working Groups together developed 50 project proposals that spanned a breadth of interests. These were further developed at an all-together online Mid-Point Workshop in May.

See the TownHall #4 presentation for details.

Ideation Retreat

On 8-10 June, 20+ Working Group participants gathered together at Frankston congregation and online to undertake 2.5 days of workshops and discussions. Across the weekend, the group explored the changing ministry environment of the last 50 years, and the opportunities and challenges present in 2024. The 50 projects were given careful consideration, including themes and areas of overlap, and how they fit with the current activities around the Mission Centre. As the group began to narrow down their focus, rigorous discussions were had around resourcing, impact, and urgency of each project. Ultimately, 12 projects were voted as most important, which was further reduced to a final five, which are considered achievable given time and resources available. 

One critical shift was recognised, that underpins all 5 projects, and the process of transformation as a whole. The shift from congregations being at the centre of a disciples life (delivering a multitude of ministries, including education and leadership opportunities), to a new model where discipleship is the centre of a community's life (with disciples engaging in opportunities from around the Mission Centre, from a broad network of relationships, and a wide geographic spread). 70% of church members are now not affiliated with a congregation. Instead, they live out their faith, discipleship, ministry and leadership outside the congregational structure. Increasingly, these members are seeking opportunities to learn and serve in non-congregational settings, and adapting to the needs, lifestyles, and dispersed locations of members today.

The 5 Projects

  • LEAD Training Program - 3 year training program to equip current and future leaders with interpersonal, ministerial and leadership skills. A cohort-based program that includes in-person retreats, online learning and discussion, and participation in church events and ministries. The program will include existing material and new, with a target to commence around Easter 2025.

  • Coaching & Mentoring Program- A structured and intentional mentoring program designed to provide guidance, support, and resources that enable participants to enhance their leadership capabilities and deepen their faith. The program operates through scheduled one-on-one meetings (phone/in-person). These regular interactions are supplemented by workshops or gatherings for mentors to develop their mentoring skills. Mentor recruitment and training will take place in late 2024.

  • Networked Members Ministry Model - This project seeks to develop a new way of connecting members, and coordinate ministries, in a National networked model. The model does not rely on congregations to be at the centre of ministry, but instead looks at new ways of connecting members to pastoral care, education and learning, leadership development, service in ministry, and daily discipleship, beginning with a Victorian pilot program in late 2024.

  • Digital Communications Strategy - This project will consider the holistic digital needs of the organisation. The Action Team will undertake analysis and planning to prioritise the development of infrastructure, content, tools and resources that will support the mission of the church in Australia. Including pathways for seekers to connect with the church, strengthen connection between members, connecting priesthood with members in need, support ongoing education and content engagement, aid in collaboration of groups and teams.

  • Music & Spirituality Camp - This camp is an opportunity for musicians and aspiring musicians to be immersed in music and engaged in skill development, composition, expanding repertoire, new songs and arrangements, as well as an opportunity to record and share music with the broader community. A pilot camp is being explored in Victoria for 2025.

June 30th Ministry and Mission Presentation of 5 Projects 

A presentation of the five projects was held online at the June 30th Special Mission Centre Conference. To watch the presentation recording of the five projects, please see the June 30th Ministry and Mission presentation link below.

Stay tuned to the weekly Australian Mission Centre email for news and updates on the next public event.


TOWN HALL 1 - 17 September 2023

Meeting Recording: Video

Ministries and Mission presentation:  Link

Collaborative Design Process: Link

TOWN HALL #2 – 19 October 2023

Ministries and Mission presentation: Link

TOWN HALL #3- 19 November 2023

Ministries and Mission presentation: Link

TOWN HALL #4 - Dec 2023

Meeting Recording: Link

Ministries and Mission presentation: pdf

Ministry and Mission presentation - June 30th 2024

Meeting recording: Link

CONTACT: Transformation Steering Committee

Annie Falcke, Jenny Robinson, Kristie Woodward, Peter Lonsdale, Robert Thompson
